Saturday 1 September 2012

draft 2: Arthur's character profile

Arthur is a writer who loves to travel. He writes stories that looks so real, it's feels like you can actually see it happening, you can feel the emotion of the characters, you can smell the place, it gives you a warm feeling inside.
And that's what Alfred loves about him.
that's all, I think revealing more information will spoil everything.

Friday 31 August 2012

draft 1: Alfred's character profile

Alfred is a weird person. People hurt him, bully him and hurt him using words but he still believes that everyone has a good heart and he trust everyone. He wants to be everyone's hero.

His parents divorced 2 years ago. His father is what you can call always-drunk-like-hell-bastard. His father never treated them nicely, he always treat them like trash and he always throw things to his mom. So when his parents divorced he felt sad but there's a small relief inside his heart.

Alfred's mother is a sweet and nice lady, she loves to bake sweet pastries. She loves her sons so much.

Because of his past he decided to study medicine. He wants to be a hero, he want to save lives, he want to heal people. He just want to help.

He is currently staying at an apartment, this is where he will meet Arthur Kirkland, a writer who travels a lot.

ok so this is currently Alfred's character for the fanfic. I need to post this here because my notebook is missing again and I don't want to lose this idea so tralalalalala

whoot first post

so before anything else, I want to welcome myself to this site
and thank myself for being patient to look for some template stuffies
but anyway
this is my first post so I want to make it special~
here's a short USUK fic
I mean really short
(to be honest this is a preview of a fanfic that I'm working on so...I guess if you are willing to wait or if you are interested, you can wait for it, I'm not yet even done with the draft)

A man in a black suit was knocking hard and fast. 
My mother opened the door.
One of my brothers pushed me.
"Be safe" was the last word I heard from him.

Then everything went black. 
A night without a moon.
It was scary.

A scream from my mom and brothers broke the silence.

I can't get out of this place.
Where am I? What's happening? I'm stuck, and all I can do is to listen to the screams from my family, begging to let them live. What's going on? 

I remained silent after I read those lines from Arthur's laptop. I really admire his writings. I love his novels. It makes me fall in love and in love again. Everything sounds real. It's like I'm reading his diary, but no, I'm reading a draft for his new novel.

*tap tap tap*

"HEY! why would you delete that?" I said.
"It doesn't look right, I don't like it" he replied while typing a new paragraph again.

That's a draft.
well damn...too short
The draft I made for 24 hours. I hope I can finish the story soon and post it somewhere? but sadly I wrote lots of stories already but I never shared them, they are sleeping inside a drawer, waiting to be read by someone. If I gain enough confidence I'm going to read them again. I just feel so embarrassed like whoaaaa
anyway that's my first blog entry for today.
have a nice day~